
European adult education project focused on the use of wearable and health technology for prevention and therapy.

By registering in the "HealthPlan.eu" application at the address https://www.healthplan.eu (hereinafter referred to as the "Application"), I grant express consent to the company MagicWare, s.r.o., ID 62576836, with registered office at Krohova 2212, 160 00 Prague 6, registered in the commercial register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague in section C, insert no. 86585 (hereafter referred to as MagicWare or also "Administrator"), which operates the Application, to process my personal data, including expressly informed and voluntary consent to the processing of a special category of personal data relating to my state of health (in particular, physiological data, medical history, data on subjective mental and physical state, data on medication, etc.; hereinafter referred to as "Personal Data") and device location data when operating the system in mobile devices.

I am aware of the fact that if I enable the integration of data from other applications in the Application (e.g. kaloricketabulky.cz, Google fit, Apple health, Garmin Connect, etc.) by entering login data into these applications, I thereby give MagicWare consent to process these integrated personal data. The purpose of processing Personal Data is to create a profile in the Application and its proper functioning, i.e. comparing my physical activities and eating habits. I acknowledge that the Personal Data will be transferred and further processed by MAGICWARE, a limited liability company, ID 62576836 and other entities that provide data management, maintenance and processing for MagicWare (for example, Nutritional Specialists), based on the Personal Data Processing Agreement.

Personal data will be processed for the duration of my registration in the Application (i.e. for the duration of the existence of my profile in the Application). I am entitled to revoke my consent at any time by canceling my profile in the Application, directly in its settings. The withdrawal of consent does not in any way affect the lawfulness of the processing of Personal Data based on this consent before its withdrawal.

I understand that I can ask MagicWare for information regarding Personal Data, its scope, processing and archiving methods and request access to it. Furthermore, I am entitled to request correction and/or addition of Personal Data, their transfer to another administrator, deletion and/or limitation of their processing. In the event that I have doubts about the fact that Personal Data is processed in accordance with legal regulations, I am entitled to contact MagicWare and request an explanation, rectification, raise objections or file a complaint with the Office for Personal Data Protection. I am entitled to exercise all rights at the e-mail address: info@healthplan.eu, and/or in person or in writing at the address of the MagicWare headquarters.

I give this consent freely and voluntarily. I am aware that the provision of Personal Data is necessary for registration in the Application and its use, and without the provision of Personal Data it is not possible to register and use the Application. I am also aware that if I withdraw this consent, the Administrator will no longer be able to process my Personal Data and I will therefore no longer be able to use the Application